Croatian Amor - A Part of You in Everything
Album Review

Writers: Aziz Motawa
Published: June 22nd 2023

Artwork: Yuki Ravn Liep
Mastered: Scandinavian Star

Posh Isolation

‘A Part of You in Everything’ is a deeply thoughtful meditation on one of life’s most beautiful and painful experiences, birth and loss.

Danish ambient electronica artist Loke Rahbek returns with a new album, ‘A Part of You in Everything’ released under his artist moniker ‘Croatian Amor.’ The album is a heartfelt love letter to his late brother, who passed away at birth. Amor ruminates over what it means to revisit the waves of thoughts of his late brother that wash over him periodically. In a statement about the album, Rahbek calls his brother his “ghost friend” that has always been with him growing up. As he made his last record, ‘Remember the Rainbow Bridge,’ and while awaiting the birth of his son, thoughts of his late brother re-emerged.

A common thread woven throughout the album is an echoing vocal sample that sounds angelic and distorted, affirming that “all angels meet again.” Amor invites listened into a spacious record that explores the depth and vastitude of life’s unanswered questions about one’s fate after death. His resulting work is a multi -layered album that sonically traverses between celebratory dance beats such as ‘My Brother (is a Star)’ and then slips into darker glitching ambient tracks like ‘Vigil’ with a stellar sense of pacing and flow. The record’s most remarkable moments arrive at its quieter and more introspective tracks, such as the hazy and atmospheric ‘Tulip Coupon’ featuring Perko and the soul-stirring ‘Still Possible’ featuring Vanessa Amara. Amor ties up the album with Kites (A Part of You in Everything). This final atmospheric track evokes a sense of resolve, guiding listeners through what feels like a spiritual rebirth or an accession into a different realm.

Over the past ten years, Croatian Amor has continuously published albums through Posh Isolation, the label he co-founded with Vanity Productions in 2009. He has previously worked with people, including Jonnine Standish of HTRK, Varg2™, and Yves Tumor.